Hello, folks! :D
It's been a while. not to mention how intense my activity in December and boom, time flies and it's already the end of the year!
Where should I start....
Anyhow here it is!
- The Saem Mojito Pore Refresh Toner
Super love love this toner from every aspect. I just got this from around October (my sis went to Korea) and this toner is just my HG! But it's so hard to find in Indonesia. If anybody knows where I can get it around 150k please really let me know. *bows*
- Watson Collagen Hydrating and Pore Refining Sleeping Mask
Even though I first buy this out of my random interests, it turns out very good for me. This also, I can't get it anywhere here, since it's exclusive in HK only? Please let me know where can I get it again. Whether any trusted online shop sell this.
- It's skin Power 10 Propolis Effector
Again, another limited products.. or so I know. I'd love to buy this again because it's so affordable in price and it works greatly on my skin too.
- Skinfood Facial Ice Vita Mist
Actually this is some kind of just for fun - or I said it, side-skincare, it turns out great and I really love to spray it at random times. It helps my skin with the moisture with leaving ZERO greasiness.
- Beyond Apple Mint Cleansing Water
I really wonder why I'm always attracted to hard-to-find-cosmetics! *rage* but this one is seriously great. I wonder if Beyond Indonesia sells this too? I never saw them advertise this line. But I really hate it if it's overpriced because every Korean products that gets into Indonesia is super expensive, I mean, it's like 3 fold of the real price in Korea.
- Beyond - Just Beyond - Save Us! Cheek review
I really can use this daily (if I have the time LOL) with that natural color. But then again, a hard to find item. But Beyond Indonesia supposedly sell this though, because I saw them promoting the Just Beyond line.
- IOPE Air Cushion XP
No need explanation I guess? This so famous and expensive product was really a hype back then. I'm one late user but I really love it with the coverage. But I really must use powder because it's so dewy. But when 'combo'-ed with Majolica Majorca Pressed Pore Cover, well. It's super. Currently it's my 2nd refill already. But after this is used up I'll change to Laneige cushion first then I'll decide which I'm gonna repurchase.
- Innisfree Long Wear Cushion
I first buy this because my first IOPE refill was totally running out and I don't have anything to replace with. It's is very drying so I really need a basic of moisturized skin and after using this I'll spray the Skinfood Mist and it's really Long-Wear! I use this whenever I think I want a lighter makeup because with IOPE's cushion I feel my makeup's kinda heavy/too much
- Canmake Eyebrow Color Change
I guess this is a newer version of the Coloring Eyebrow. But seriously the texture is 180 degrees different! It's more liquidy than clumpy. And this one's color really stands out. I always use this when I'm going out.
- 3CE Lip Color Matte review
I must say this is the newest product I'd try by this list but I'm already falling over it. Despite the price... LOL. I've only use this once but it's the whole day so yeah I'm loving it.
The others from makeup department is already old stuff from before 2014 so I'm not counting it in. Most of them is still a lot though.
- Tsubaki Water Damage Care
Smells so good, taking care of the damage without making my hair like super oily/greasy
- Ford CV-Third Water Matrix Treatment
Makes my hair smooth like crazy super super smooth. LOVE IT!
And that's a wrap!
Happy New Year everybody! :D
Let's hope for the best of this year, (not mentioning PSUT is competing by next January... my holiday will be over soon! *sobs*)
And so,
See you guys on next year!
With Love,
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Review - 3CE Matte Lip Color #609 Jammer
Hello folks! :D
Back with another lip product.
This time it's from the famous and booming 3 Concept Eyes!
Recently my sister just went to Seoul and yeah I did 'order' a lot of thing, not that much I think,,, lol. I want much more but yeah I do must consider money side too. >_<
And this lipstick is one of those.
I've always interested in dark lips, or perhaps I mean bold lips color. I love it but yeah the fact they are not that wearable since my life is only around the campus and I don't want to look like that bitches around the campus... LOL.
So here's the thing!
When I really hands-on with the lipstick I was like damn this is bulky. I know the shape is square but I never expected it to be that big. The bullet is the one so traditional like the old days.
Despite the size it does look high-end. Because expensive with shiny packaging is too mainstream? :p The prize does robs the pocket though.
Matte lipstick with matte packaging!
The swatches!
It does kinda brighter and redder in the photo dunno why. But actually in real life looks darker, but not as dark as I want, but if I took whole body picture, it's just sooo dark. But I don't really mindd~
I did tried to layer it but I don't really see much difference. One layer could be enough. It really depends on how many pressure you put.
Supposedly this is a matte lipstick and yeah it looks matte, but feels creamy. It's not drying AT ALL. Even the fact it's even moisturizing (?).This explains the price. LOL. Maybe I should've pick the dangerous matte, but as what I know the dangerous matte only have 3 shades and no dark shade.
Anyhow, the staying power is quite surprising for me. I used it to hang out and eat and all but the color stayed. Not as dark as the time you just applied it but yeah I guess it doesn't transfer like everywhere.
Jumping to the conclusion.
Packaging. 4 stars. Great design but not so great size.
Color. 5 stars. I'm satisfied with it.
Texture. 5 stars. Matte but not drying.
Staying power. 5 stars. Last long and don't transfer like stupid leaving stains everywhere.
This is just a perfect lipstick for halloween. ;D
I guess that's it!
See you guys in the next post!
With Love,
Back with another lip product.
This time it's from the famous and booming 3 Concept Eyes!
Recently my sister just went to Seoul and yeah I did 'order' a lot of thing, not that much I think,,, lol. I want much more but yeah I do must consider money side too. >_<
And this lipstick is one of those.
I've always interested in dark lips, or perhaps I mean bold lips color. I love it but yeah the fact they are not that wearable since my life is only around the campus and I don't want to look like that bitches around the campus... LOL.
So here's the thing!
When I really hands-on with the lipstick I was like damn this is bulky. I know the shape is square but I never expected it to be that big. The bullet is the one so traditional like the old days.
Despite the size it does look high-end. Because expensive with shiny packaging is too mainstream? :p The prize does robs the pocket though.
Matte lipstick with matte packaging!
The swatches!
It does kinda brighter and redder in the photo dunno why. But actually in real life looks darker, but not as dark as I want, but if I took whole body picture, it's just sooo dark. But I don't really mindd~
I did tried to layer it but I don't really see much difference. One layer could be enough. It really depends on how many pressure you put.
Supposedly this is a matte lipstick and yeah it looks matte, but feels creamy. It's not drying AT ALL. Even the fact it's even moisturizing (?).This explains the price. LOL. Maybe I should've pick the dangerous matte, but as what I know the dangerous matte only have 3 shades and no dark shade.
Anyhow, the staying power is quite surprising for me. I used it to hang out and eat and all but the color stayed. Not as dark as the time you just applied it but yeah I guess it doesn't transfer like everywhere.
Jumping to the conclusion.
Packaging. 4 stars. Great design but not so great size.
Color. 5 stars. I'm satisfied with it.
Texture. 5 stars. Matte but not drying.
Staying power. 5 stars. Last long and don't transfer like stupid leaving stains everywhere.
This is just a perfect lipstick for halloween. ;D
I guess that's it!
See you guys in the next post!
With Love,
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Ovarium cyst story
Hello, folks! :D
A real long time no blog. Months. Yea right. First post back up is a totally off beauty topic post.
As the title says. This is a post without picture. Just telling my experience. It'll be long.
So I had this 15-cm-sized-ovarium-cyst in my right ovary. It's too big already that my right ovary needs to be removed. So now I'm living with only one ovary.
It was back in holiday time, when I realized my lower abdomen is getting bigger. I thought I was just getting fat. Well, it's a holiday afterall where I was just 'lazying' around. But then after back to college my tummy isn't getting any smaller even though I eat super duper really less. Weird thing is that I don't feel hungry too.
Time goes by, I still eat only a little and my weight keep on going up reaching 50 kg. Usually I'm around 46-48 kg. And my lower abdomen is getting bigger too. I mean, if I stand, I look really normal. Well, maybe kinda bloated a bit. In Indonesia usually we call it 'buncit'. But really unnoticed if I stand. The real horror is that when I lay down. My chest-upper abdomen looks fine (or rather thin, I can see my ribs) but the lower abdomen is really scary for me. It looked like a pregnant woman's tummy. It's like I keep a huge bun under my skin.
I asked my mom to bring me to doctor but she says it's because of my habit of drinking cold water (b***s**t! lol) and not really giving attention. Well I have no reason to insist on seeing the doctor because I don't even know what caused it. Then I searched over google (yes, google is my knowledge source :p) I found out it's kinda like ovarium cyst. But the symptom should be a real pain when you're on your period. In my case I didn't experience any pain at all. But still it panics me and makes me ask my mom to bring me to the doctor. My mom finally saw how weird (scary) my abdomen looks when I lay down and agreed to go to the doc.
The doc immediately 'scan' (USG, ultrasonography) my abdomen and yeah, a large cyst. As large as a baby's head. He told me to do blood test (seriously I don't know tes darah in English. lol) to check whether it is benign (jinak) or malignant (ganas). Cysts are tumors afterall. If it's malignant then my whole reproductive organs will be removed.
Soon I moved to other doctor, the surgery one. Because the previous doctor is just a general common doctor in the neighborhood. This now the pro doc suggested me to do surgery immediately and so the surgery was scheduled on the days ahead. I need to do CT-scan first however. The CT-scan result will determine whether I'll go by laparoscopy (teropong) or laparotomy (sesar).
Going through the CT scan infusion is a huge pain for me that the nurse can't seem to find my vein and failed 3 times. I swear it really hurts. They said everytime they 'pin' the needle my vein rupture. That's what cause the super pain. until they finally succeeded using baby's needle *sigh* I did the CT scan in the morning and the result are in by the evening and so I need to go through laparotomy which really needs time for recovery....
I gone through the surgery the next day afternoon and so my right ovary was removed and a lil part of my left ovary are taken too for lab check whether it's benign or malignant but the doc said my cyst only contain water and the cyst's membrane is sleek and it's usually benign.
I was awakened by the nurse's slap on my face several times. I was expecting some movie-dramatic wake up which I already in my room with everyone looking at me. LOL. After I really conscious the first thing I know is that it's COLD. Goddammit seriously so cold that I can't stop shivering and it HURTS LIKE HELL because when you shiver your abdomen shivers too and my lower abdomen just got cut! I'm very sure I yelled loud enough to the nurse that I'm cold and it hurts like hell but the nurse just not giving a damn and continue to chit chat with a male which I'm very sure not the doc because what they're talking about is really off topic of the medical or whatever. At this stage I can only be pissed off.
After some very torturing moments finally I was brought back to my room and I can only say 2 words. Cold and hurt. In bahasa of course lol. They said my whole body was as cold as ice. Smart enough, my boyfriend filled some bottles with hot water for me to grab on. After not feeling too cold anymore, soon I fell asleep.
Long through the recovery process and I finally leave the hospital but I can barely walk. It's still painful. I went back home, still not going to college and I'm so left behind, so much to catch up and decided to threw 6 credits from my studies since I really can't keep up. Time heals and yeah now I'm so much better, living like usual, going to college, it's mid-test period, practicing in the choir, etc etc. I'm still easily tired though. And here I am writing this post as I do my assignments. lol. They said I need 6 months for the wounds to be completely heal. Anyhow the doc said if back then I still didn't go to the doc for months it might developed to cancer. The lab results said that they found some kind of 'borderline' between cancer or not.
That's the end of my story. I hope you're not bored. lol
I really do suggest you girls check. Once every a year perhaps. Your own health (and future) is on the line.
Anyhow if I'm motivated enough I might post the same thing but in Indonesian. *le lazy me* :p
Guess that's the end. See you guys in the next post! :D
With love,
A real long time no blog. Months. Yea right. First post back up is a totally off beauty topic post.
As the title says. This is a post without picture. Just telling my experience. It'll be long.
So I had this 15-cm-sized-ovarium-cyst in my right ovary. It's too big already that my right ovary needs to be removed. So now I'm living with only one ovary.
It was back in holiday time, when I realized my lower abdomen is getting bigger. I thought I was just getting fat. Well, it's a holiday afterall where I was just 'lazying' around. But then after back to college my tummy isn't getting any smaller even though I eat super duper really less. Weird thing is that I don't feel hungry too.
Time goes by, I still eat only a little and my weight keep on going up reaching 50 kg. Usually I'm around 46-48 kg. And my lower abdomen is getting bigger too. I mean, if I stand, I look really normal. Well, maybe kinda bloated a bit. In Indonesia usually we call it 'buncit'. But really unnoticed if I stand. The real horror is that when I lay down. My chest-upper abdomen looks fine (or rather thin, I can see my ribs) but the lower abdomen is really scary for me. It looked like a pregnant woman's tummy. It's like I keep a huge bun under my skin.
I asked my mom to bring me to doctor but she says it's because of my habit of drinking cold water (b***s**t! lol) and not really giving attention. Well I have no reason to insist on seeing the doctor because I don't even know what caused it. Then I searched over google (yes, google is my knowledge source :p) I found out it's kinda like ovarium cyst. But the symptom should be a real pain when you're on your period. In my case I didn't experience any pain at all. But still it panics me and makes me ask my mom to bring me to the doctor. My mom finally saw how weird (scary) my abdomen looks when I lay down and agreed to go to the doc.
The doc immediately 'scan' (USG, ultrasonography) my abdomen and yeah, a large cyst. As large as a baby's head. He told me to do blood test (seriously I don't know tes darah in English. lol) to check whether it is benign (jinak) or malignant (ganas). Cysts are tumors afterall. If it's malignant then my whole reproductive organs will be removed.
Soon I moved to other doctor, the surgery one. Because the previous doctor is just a general common doctor in the neighborhood. This now the pro doc suggested me to do surgery immediately and so the surgery was scheduled on the days ahead. I need to do CT-scan first however. The CT-scan result will determine whether I'll go by laparoscopy (teropong) or laparotomy (sesar).
Going through the CT scan infusion is a huge pain for me that the nurse can't seem to find my vein and failed 3 times. I swear it really hurts. They said everytime they 'pin' the needle my vein rupture. That's what cause the super pain. until they finally succeeded using baby's needle *sigh* I did the CT scan in the morning and the result are in by the evening and so I need to go through laparotomy which really needs time for recovery....
I gone through the surgery the next day afternoon and so my right ovary was removed and a lil part of my left ovary are taken too for lab check whether it's benign or malignant but the doc said my cyst only contain water and the cyst's membrane is sleek and it's usually benign.
I was awakened by the nurse's slap on my face several times. I was expecting some movie-dramatic wake up which I already in my room with everyone looking at me. LOL. After I really conscious the first thing I know is that it's COLD. Goddammit seriously so cold that I can't stop shivering and it HURTS LIKE HELL because when you shiver your abdomen shivers too and my lower abdomen just got cut! I'm very sure I yelled loud enough to the nurse that I'm cold and it hurts like hell but the nurse just not giving a damn and continue to chit chat with a male which I'm very sure not the doc because what they're talking about is really off topic of the medical or whatever. At this stage I can only be pissed off.
After some very torturing moments finally I was brought back to my room and I can only say 2 words. Cold and hurt. In bahasa of course lol. They said my whole body was as cold as ice. Smart enough, my boyfriend filled some bottles with hot water for me to grab on. After not feeling too cold anymore, soon I fell asleep.
Long through the recovery process and I finally leave the hospital but I can barely walk. It's still painful. I went back home, still not going to college and I'm so left behind, so much to catch up and decided to threw 6 credits from my studies since I really can't keep up. Time heals and yeah now I'm so much better, living like usual, going to college, it's mid-test period, practicing in the choir, etc etc. I'm still easily tired though. And here I am writing this post as I do my assignments. lol. They said I need 6 months for the wounds to be completely heal. Anyhow the doc said if back then I still didn't go to the doc for months it might developed to cancer. The lab results said that they found some kind of 'borderline' between cancer or not.
That's the end of my story. I hope you're not bored. lol
I really do suggest you girls check. Once every a year perhaps. Your own health (and future) is on the line.
Anyhow if I'm motivated enough I might post the same thing but in Indonesian. *le lazy me* :p
Guess that's the end. See you guys in the next post! :D
With love,
Monday, July 21, 2014
Review - Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel
Hello folks! :D
Finally getting back to blogging!
This time will still be a review of my HG moisturizer. Really. I love love this.
If last time it's the 'gel', now it's the 'water gel'
So it's in a jar. The size is just 'normal'. Not too big not too small. But yea so bulky if it's for travel so I usually move some of it to a mini jar (those around sample size). The packaging is similar to the tube one, which is plastic inside, then covered with glass. Even if it's empty already it's a lil bit heavy. But the glass just make it looks like an expensive product. The fact that it's not as pricey as it looks. In Singapore it's around 22sgd (if I'm not mistaken) and when I bought this in HK i bet it's more cheaper.
Anyway I'm currently using the 2nd jar - I finished the first one already.
The scent is kinda similar to the gel (the one in the tube) yea obviously it's the same line. I like the smell though. It's not a strong scent so I think it's still bearable for those anti to scents.
The texturee
Okay so here's the interesting part. The texture. I'm so wondering about the packaging. Why the 'gel' with thicker consistency is packed in tube while this, packed in jar. I first tested it in HK before I bought it back then. I tried and I'm loving the texture. When the gel's absorbed, it leaves your skin not greasy nor sticky AT ALL. My skin even feel kinda funny-smooth. It's like it has a 'smooth-veil' formula or something. But not that primer-smooth feels. Just a bit different.
I usually use this as my last step of morning skin routine as it really absorbs all the stickiness left from the previous steps. So these days the routine be like: toner, lotion, this, then make-up. But if I skipped the lotion part, it would be too dry for my skin.
The reason I don't use this at night 'cause I wanted a more plump/thicker moisturizer at night. This isn't meant for night application though.
I don't mind that it doesn't give so much moisturizing feels as for this product the plus point for me is the texture. At least it doesn't clog my pores anyway. Me myself won't use only 1 moisturizer so yeah,, I still love this.
Okay now the conclusion!
Packaging. 4 stars. Kinda heavy. But I like how it looks.
Scent. 5 stars. No complaints. lol!
Texture. 5 stars. Smooth and kinda matte. Bye-bye stickiness.
Result. 3 stars. Not so 'hydro-boost' if used alone.
I will keep using this from now on I guess. I still have 1 totally new jar. :P
Now I'm running out of it. Anyone in Indonesia know where to get this? Please let me know :) Would be very appreciated.
See you guys in the next post! :D
With Love,
Finally getting back to blogging!
This time will still be a review of my HG moisturizer. Really. I love love this.
If last time it's the 'gel', now it's the 'water gel'
So it's in a jar. The size is just 'normal'. Not too big not too small. But yea so bulky if it's for travel so I usually move some of it to a mini jar (those around sample size). The packaging is similar to the tube one, which is plastic inside, then covered with glass. Even if it's empty already it's a lil bit heavy. But the glass just make it looks like an expensive product. The fact that it's not as pricey as it looks. In Singapore it's around 22sgd (if I'm not mistaken) and when I bought this in HK i bet it's more cheaper.
Anyway I'm currently using the 2nd jar - I finished the first one already.
The scent is kinda similar to the gel (the one in the tube) yea obviously it's the same line. I like the smell though. It's not a strong scent so I think it's still bearable for those anti to scents.
The texturee
And when spread,,,,,
Okay so here's the interesting part. The texture. I'm so wondering about the packaging. Why the 'gel' with thicker consistency is packed in tube while this, packed in jar. I first tested it in HK before I bought it back then. I tried and I'm loving the texture. When the gel's absorbed, it leaves your skin not greasy nor sticky AT ALL. My skin even feel kinda funny-smooth. It's like it has a 'smooth-veil' formula or something. But not that primer-smooth feels. Just a bit different.
I usually use this as my last step of morning skin routine as it really absorbs all the stickiness left from the previous steps. So these days the routine be like: toner, lotion, this, then make-up. But if I skipped the lotion part, it would be too dry for my skin.
The reason I don't use this at night 'cause I wanted a more plump/thicker moisturizer at night. This isn't meant for night application though.
I don't mind that it doesn't give so much moisturizing feels as for this product the plus point for me is the texture. At least it doesn't clog my pores anyway. Me myself won't use only 1 moisturizer so yeah,, I still love this.
Okay now the conclusion!
Packaging. 4 stars. Kinda heavy. But I like how it looks.
Scent. 5 stars. No complaints. lol!
Texture. 5 stars. Smooth and kinda matte. Bye-bye stickiness.
Result. 3 stars. Not so 'hydro-boost' if used alone.
Now I'm running out of it. Anyone in Indonesia know where to get this? Please let me know :) Would be very appreciated.
See you guys in the next post! :D
With Love,
holy grail,
water gel
Friday, July 18, 2014
MIA (Missing in Action) or Hiatus
Hello, folks! :D
Sorry that I went missing these past few months. The choir group activity is just really on rush and so do my assignments. So the plot went like, assignments - choir competition - assignments with still intensive practice - exams (deadlines) - even more intensive practice - concert.
The concert was in the end of June, and until today I have so much plans that I haven't feel that boring feeling and I'm still kinda exhausted. I'm currently helping my sister in the office, just taking care of papers (the company recruitment files). I hope I can post A LOT until the July ends as my boyfriend will go to Singapore for a week and I think I should have time to post.
In addition, the college will start by 18th August and I think I'll be even busier with me having more credits and events to do.
Anyhow the case that I'm not posting anything doesn't mean I can't be contacted.
Still checking my e-mails everyday, facebook, twitter, and instagram.
But if there is a job or something like that I definitely will accept and will do anything needed.
Guess that's all I wanna say.
See you guys in the next post! :D
With Love,
Sorry that I went missing these past few months. The choir group activity is just really on rush and so do my assignments. So the plot went like, assignments - choir competition - assignments with still intensive practice - exams (deadlines) - even more intensive practice - concert.
The concert was in the end of June, and until today I have so much plans that I haven't feel that boring feeling and I'm still kinda exhausted. I'm currently helping my sister in the office, just taking care of papers (the company recruitment files). I hope I can post A LOT until the July ends as my boyfriend will go to Singapore for a week and I think I should have time to post.
In addition, the college will start by 18th August and I think I'll be even busier with me having more credits and events to do.
Anyhow the case that I'm not posting anything doesn't mean I can't be contacted.
Still checking my e-mails everyday, facebook, twitter, and instagram.
But if there is a job or something like that I definitely will accept and will do anything needed.
Guess that's all I wanna say.
See you guys in the next post! :D
With Love,
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Review - Milani Illuminating Face Powder in #3 Beauty's Touch | Cosmekita
Hello, folks! :D
Another blusher to review from Cosmekita.
Here's the pic.
Looked fab isn't it?
Honestly it smells kinda weird... Roses, perhaps?? Just don't like it. The smell is kinda too strong for me.
So this is supposed to be a multi-function product, as blush, bronzer and highlighter....
If I blend it, it could only be a blusher, for me. If I want this product to really works I'd better use it separately, than mixing the colors.
Each color swatches...
The texture is just usual powder with a lots of shimmers and that very illuminating effect.
It can be sheer or very pigmented. The color is really buildable, I looked good with just sheer. If I build it up the blush will accentuate my scar on my cheek and I really wanna avoid that.
So the conclusion.
Design and packaging. 3 stars. Just looking 'good' not like better or anything. But the roses texture does looks good.
Scent. 3 stars. Too strong for me. x_x
Texture. 3 stars. Usual 'illuminating' powder..... Dunno what was I expecting....
Pigmentation. 5 stars. From very sheer to very pigmented.
Honestly nothing really interests me with this product..... But yeah at least it's not a disappointing product.
And this would be the last product from Cosmekita to be reviewed and,
I think I'm gonna be hiatus again for some time until June.... Choir competition, performing at graduation, concert and ASSIGNMENTS. But I will still participate for IBB's May MUC because of the theme! Well I honestly still have no idea though but I'm sooo participating! :D
See you guys in the next post!
With Love,
Another blusher to review from Cosmekita.
Here's the pic.
Looked fab isn't it?
Honestly it smells kinda weird... Roses, perhaps?? Just don't like it. The smell is kinda too strong for me.
So this is supposed to be a multi-function product, as blush, bronzer and highlighter....
If I blend it, it could only be a blusher, for me. If I want this product to really works I'd better use it separately, than mixing the colors.
Each color swatches...
The texture is just usual powder with a lots of shimmers and that very illuminating effect.
When blended... above is without and below is with.
It can be sheer or very pigmented. The color is really buildable, I looked good with just sheer. If I build it up the blush will accentuate my scar on my cheek and I really wanna avoid that.
So the conclusion.
Design and packaging. 3 stars. Just looking 'good' not like better or anything. But the roses texture does looks good.
Scent. 3 stars. Too strong for me. x_x
Texture. 3 stars. Usual 'illuminating' powder..... Dunno what was I expecting....
Pigmentation. 5 stars. From very sheer to very pigmented.
Honestly nothing really interests me with this product..... But yeah at least it's not a disappointing product.
And this would be the last product from Cosmekita to be reviewed and,
I think I'm gonna be hiatus again for some time until June.... Choir competition, performing at graduation, concert and ASSIGNMENTS. But I will still participate for IBB's May MUC because of the theme! Well I honestly still have no idea though but I'm sooo participating! :D
See you guys in the next post!
With Love,
Review - Silkygirl Big Eye Collagen Waterproof Mascara in Blackest Black | Cosmekita
Hello, folks! :D
Still with products from Cosmekita. This time it's a mascara from Silkygirl! I don't have and never try a Silkygirl product before yeah so I hope this is good!
When I got this I also very excited because I thought it's a BLUE mascara but then I read the label and oh... it's just a black mascara.... :p Indeed I wanna try lots of unusual mascara color! So far I have only black, brown, and dark blue. I want something like purple, red, or that ashy blonde shade lol. I wish such mascara color existed.
So, this claims to keep our lashes healthy due to the collagen and actually I can't tell the difference whether my lashes are healthy or not.... :/
When I pull out the wand and I saw the comb, me be like OwO it's not a usual brush applicator xD
I swear I have no idea why my lashes are so damn messy -_-
Still with products from Cosmekita. This time it's a mascara from Silkygirl! I don't have and never try a Silkygirl product before yeah so I hope this is good!
When I got this I also very excited because I thought it's a BLUE mascara but then I read the label and oh... it's just a black mascara.... :p Indeed I wanna try lots of unusual mascara color! So far I have only black, brown, and dark blue. I want something like purple, red, or that ashy blonde shade lol. I wish such mascara color existed.
So, this claims to keep our lashes healthy due to the collagen and actually I can't tell the difference whether my lashes are healthy or not.... :/
When I pull out the wand and I saw the comb, me be like OwO it's not a usual brush applicator xD
But I must say Silkygirl might 'overworked' on the length of the comb... It's just too long which in my opinion tends to mess up things. And it actually kinda like Etude House's Shockara when looked from the top
This mascara supposed to amplified the lashes' volume for 15 times (it claimed) and it does makes my lashes more in volume! But to say like 15 times for it's kinda too exaggerating... But still love how it makes my lashes looked thick <3
Looked very natural don't you think?
One important point: NO CLUMPS!I swear I have no idea why my lashes are so damn messy -_-
Okay, so it doesn't smudge, which is great because so far what I experience outside Japanese mascara is that they smudge. But the curl doesn't last at all. Like, just finished curling very painfully and when I finish applying the mascara my lashes be like drop down very quickly :v
I envy you guys with naturally curled lashes... Or even straight! Straight lashes are still better than downward lashes....
BUT! A good side due to not lasting the curls, I don't need to use mascara nor eye makeup remover! Just wash everything out and my lashes are clean! :D
I envy you guys with naturally curled lashes... Or even straight! Straight lashes are still better than downward lashes....
BUT! A good side due to not lasting the curls, I don't need to use mascara nor eye makeup remover! Just wash everything out and my lashes are clean! :D
So the conclusion.
Design and packaging. 3 stars? Just usual tube and it's kinda longer tube than other mascara....
Volume. 5 stars. Makes my lashes much more thicker! Even that it's not 15 times but that's okay.
Lengthening. 5 stars! I must say it's not losing to Majolica Majorca's lengthening mascara!
Curls. 2 stars. 2 for not dropping immediately. 1 if it drops immediately.
Waterproof. This is kinda hard to tell the rate. It doesn't smudge, which is great, but it's removable just by washing my face which mean it's not likely to smudge all over and wear off if I cry or splashed or whatever.
Yeah that's all of my opinion of this mascara. Tell me if I missed anything.
See you guys in the next post! :D
With Love,
Design and packaging. 3 stars? Just usual tube and it's kinda longer tube than other mascara....
Volume. 5 stars. Makes my lashes much more thicker! Even that it's not 15 times but that's okay.
Lengthening. 5 stars! I must say it's not losing to Majolica Majorca's lengthening mascara!
Curls. 2 stars. 2 for not dropping immediately. 1 if it drops immediately.
Waterproof. This is kinda hard to tell the rate. It doesn't smudge, which is great, but it's removable just by washing my face which mean it's not likely to smudge all over and wear off if I cry or splashed or whatever.
Yeah that's all of my opinion of this mascara. Tell me if I missed anything.
See you guys in the next post! :D
With Love,
Review - Innisfree Eco Flower Tint in Azaleas | Cosmekita
Hello, folks! :D
You could say this is a sponsored post since the product was given to me by Cosmekita to be reviewed.
All I can say is that I'm lovin' it!
Okay so let's get started!
When I got this I was soooo excited since I'd always wanted to try any of Innisfree lip product and the tube's color looks so pretty! But then I was so upset looking around the internet to know what's the name :v
I received it without a box (or maybe it does not have a box afterall) and the description is all in Korean! After some time of no-direction searches finally I know what it is. :D
The packaging is simple, from plastic, and it's sealed as you can see there's a sticker over the tube and cap. You can't open it unless you tear the sticker half.
You could say this is a sponsored post since the product was given to me by Cosmekita to be reviewed.
All I can say is that I'm lovin' it!
Okay so let's get started!
When I got this I was soooo excited since I'd always wanted to try any of Innisfree lip product and the tube's color looks so pretty! But then I was so upset looking around the internet to know what's the name :v
I received it without a box (or maybe it does not have a box afterall) and the description is all in Korean! After some time of no-direction searches finally I know what it is. :D
The packaging is simple, from plastic, and it's sealed as you can see there's a sticker over the tube and cap. You can't open it unless you tear the sticker half.
See? There's no shade number nor product name in English..... All I can read is only 4-Free, well, of course because the product name itself starts with Eco ;)
It got this cute flower stamp on the top <3 Very pretty!
I believe it represents Azalea
Clean! As I ever mentioned before I just love this part of opening new product when the 'neck' is still clean :p
HOWEVER, when I finally pulled out the applicator I was like screaming in my heart. Really. The color is so O_o...... I wasn't expecting such vibrant neon pink while the packaging was so soft-pink colored...
The applicator is just usual shape, doe foot applicator.
The scent itself, it smells like real
flower. Maybe it's the Azaleas' scent. I like it. The scent fades away
through time so you don't need to worry. But if I'm not fit, it makes me
kinda nauseous....
the staying power, Somewhat I think it's last like forever if you apply
it on bare lips. When you use concealer or BB cream or whatever before
applying this, the color most likely to fade away but in a much way
longer time than usual lipstick. And another great point is that it
doesn't transfer when I eat or drink.
Yeah so I was surprised, again, on the color. When you very freshly applied it, it's almost transparent just like lip gloss. But then after few seconds it the color will show more, becomes the color of the packaging, then when it totally dries, it turns out somewhat more opaque and vibrant.
When you layer and layer it, it becomes exactly the same color with the applicator. Somewhat hot pink.
But nonetheless, it's so PERFECT for gradation lips. Just perfect.
What's interesting for me is the texture. Well actually how the color changes already a very interesting point for me. Anyhow, when freshly applied, I feel like I'm just applying water on my lips and when it dries, I feel like my lips are bare! Like I apply nothing to my lips. I think it's kinda 'soak-into' my lips and that's also why the color stays just great.
I usually feel like kinda hard to talk or smile with some lip products on. You know that 'sticky' feeling right? This is a definitely huge plus point. I dunno whether other lip tint is like this, but yeah still I love this.
Okay. Into the downside. When freshly applied it just makes my lips somewhat stinging and smarting (Indonesia: perih) and that's kinda scares me at first but then nothing really happened as I already use this many many times. So yea I don't mind now.
So. The conclusion.
Design and packaging. 4 stars. Success for balancing over eco and not cheap looking.
Texture. 5 stars. LOVE IT. That bare lips feel is just wow. :p
Color. 5 stars. Turns out VERY beautiful.
Staying power. 4 stars. Stays like forever. I ever accidentally forgot to remove it at night and when I woke up the color stays!
Scent. 4 stars.
Additional. Stinging feel. 1 stars. I don't mind but I still don't like it. :v
Additional. Stinging feel. 1 stars. I don't mind but I still don't like it. :v
Okay and that's a wrap!
See you guys in the next post! :D
With Love,
Saturday, May 3, 2014
B Blog’s, I A.M a Blogger
Hello, folks! :D
Okay so today here it is another event made by B Blog!
So! There will be 5 winners, based on how much page views to this post,,,, Well I don't have lots of followers but yeah, still, I'll join! ('v')9
NOTE: This is all ganna be words and letters all around with no picture..... Kinda like of pieces of stories.
The first thing to talk about is why I decided to make a blog and how did I decide on the name and my blog's theme (I guess it's category that they mean?)
I decided to make a beauty blog from the first time, because seeing all other girls blogging and successfully make it as a job and I was like, great! Triple wins! I love to write/share things, and I love beauty/cosmetics, and I may make it as a job!
Actually I have a blog since like ages ago, before, but then never touched it. Lack of motivation and commitment, I guess? LOL.
So I made a totally new blog and challenge myself to customize the template, design, layout and everything. I do love editing and coding, afterall.
The first thing that came to my mind when I decide the name and theme is Alice in Wonderland. I love Alice. Even though I prefer Peter Pan, but I though it would be inappropriate if I made it as Peter Pan since the blog's gonna be about beauty! -w-
Alice is all about Wonderland and Wonderland is from Disney and Disney equals to fairytale. Fairytale Wonderland. Sounds good! (even though may not make any sense... lol!)
I was so happy, glad, excited, you call it when I finished the design of this blog back then. But along with time, I feel like it's not interesting enough and the header is kinda looking wrong...
During the next holiday I might reconstruct the whole blog again. I just feels like the design is missing on something. :p
Okay that's the end of topic one.
Goin' to the next one.
About the advantages that I got throughout the time when I blog.
I can't say much about this since I'm not that very active blogger due to school and piano and choir group,,,,
But so far I made friends with 2 bloggers. For me, having friend is already quite a rare things. LOL. (pardon me as an introvert). And I receive lots of name cards... *currently still cursing myself for not having name card... T_T)
I had only attended 2 events and I got so many things from both events. Anyway, both events were from B Blog! (Yeayyyy *clap clap*) Thank you B Blog for making events. It helps a lot. I hope B Blog would create more and more events up ahead! :D
And that's the end of topic two.
Next one!
Tips and trick as a blogger.
I'm so speechless on this one! I've been blogging like almost a year yet still only have 3 precious followers.
My only advice for new blogger is, BE ACTIVE. And if possible post about the newest product of some certain brands. That's what makes people keep on reading your blog.
AND, join some blogger communities. It helps to get you to meet lots of people and some may drive you up to the top!
That's all for topic three.
And the last one!
What do you know about B Blog?
It's a blogger community (obviously) from Japan which points out to make some bloggers to be more famous and acts as an advertising agent,,,
I mean, like, when a brand approach them to help the brand to promote their products by calling out some blogger to review the brand's products. That's what I get so far by all the things that I read, saw, and heard.
I honestly have no idea what to write anymore... and so be it! :D
See you guys on the next post!
With Love,
Okay so today here it is another event made by B Blog!
So! There will be 5 winners, based on how much page views to this post,,,, Well I don't have lots of followers but yeah, still, I'll join! ('v')9
NOTE: This is all ganna be words and letters all around with no picture..... Kinda like of pieces of stories.
The first thing to talk about is why I decided to make a blog and how did I decide on the name and my blog's theme (I guess it's category that they mean?)
I decided to make a beauty blog from the first time, because seeing all other girls blogging and successfully make it as a job and I was like, great! Triple wins! I love to write/share things, and I love beauty/cosmetics, and I may make it as a job!
Actually I have a blog since like ages ago, before, but then never touched it. Lack of motivation and commitment, I guess? LOL.
So I made a totally new blog and challenge myself to customize the template, design, layout and everything. I do love editing and coding, afterall.
The first thing that came to my mind when I decide the name and theme is Alice in Wonderland. I love Alice. Even though I prefer Peter Pan, but I though it would be inappropriate if I made it as Peter Pan since the blog's gonna be about beauty! -w-
Alice is all about Wonderland and Wonderland is from Disney and Disney equals to fairytale. Fairytale Wonderland. Sounds good! (even though may not make any sense... lol!)
I was so happy, glad, excited, you call it when I finished the design of this blog back then. But along with time, I feel like it's not interesting enough and the header is kinda looking wrong...
During the next holiday I might reconstruct the whole blog again. I just feels like the design is missing on something. :p
Okay that's the end of topic one.
Goin' to the next one.
About the advantages that I got throughout the time when I blog.
I can't say much about this since I'm not that very active blogger due to school and piano and choir group,,,,
But so far I made friends with 2 bloggers. For me, having friend is already quite a rare things. LOL. (pardon me as an introvert). And I receive lots of name cards... *currently still cursing myself for not having name card... T_T)
I had only attended 2 events and I got so many things from both events. Anyway, both events were from B Blog! (Yeayyyy *clap clap*) Thank you B Blog for making events. It helps a lot. I hope B Blog would create more and more events up ahead! :D
And that's the end of topic two.
Next one!
Tips and trick as a blogger.
I'm so speechless on this one! I've been blogging like almost a year yet still only have 3 precious followers.
My only advice for new blogger is, BE ACTIVE. And if possible post about the newest product of some certain brands. That's what makes people keep on reading your blog.
AND, join some blogger communities. It helps to get you to meet lots of people and some may drive you up to the top!
That's all for topic three.
And the last one!
What do you know about B Blog?
It's a blogger community (obviously) from Japan which points out to make some bloggers to be more famous and acts as an advertising agent,,,
I mean, like, when a brand approach them to help the brand to promote their products by calling out some blogger to review the brand's products. That's what I get so far by all the things that I read, saw, and heard.
I honestly have no idea what to write anymore... and so be it! :D
See you guys on the next post!
With Love,
Acara ini di organisir oleh B Blog Indonesia (link : www.bblog.web.id) dan di sponsori oleh :
@princess_butik (link : www.instagram.com/princess_butik)
@japansoftlens (link : www.instagram.com/japansoftlens)
@keziashop (link : www.instagram.com/keziashop)
@kissindonesia (link : www.instagram.com/kissindonesia)
@lumiere_corner (link : www.instagram.com/lumiere_corner)
Event - Cosmekita Launching Party
Hello, folks! :D
Back with another event report!!
On last Sunday I went to Akmani Hotel to attend Cosmekita Launching Party. This is my second time going to a launching event, after B Blog.
At first I'm not even sure I'll get an invitation since as what I read back then, Cosmekita will only invite like. 15 bloggers? But then later in the e-mail, I saw so many recipients!
When I arrived there was already quite some bloggers. Good thing that they're also new to this kind of event.
The place is so dim..... My phone is so not cooperating in dim place -_\
I'm sorry if the photos is not good...
First they told us to re-register ourselves and along with that we were given the goodie bag and the door prize number, then to put our bag inside the hall and enjoy the meal outside.
Inside the hall.....
There's also a selfie contest!
And this is my selfie but yea I didn't win but that's okay...
Right when I went outside the hall like it's so crowded! Me myself so shocked that there are THAT much of beauty bloggers along with many famous blogger....
I feel so 'newbie' with just 3 followers but yea screw that I'm very thankful to my 3 followers and those who commented on my posts.
The food....
Seriously the desserts were so good :9
When I got inside the MC said that it's 'not allowed' to took selfies during the event and I was like,,, I think we all here would break the rule... lol.
So the MC, named Adam got onto the stage and gave a bit of opening speech.
Followed by Ms. Karmila gave a brief introduction of Cosmekita
And Mr. Kenny to explain everything.
He surveyed things before, and he said on average, girls spend around 400k per month and I was like O_O that's high. :p
And only around 3% of the bloggers, if I'm not mistaken, that took blogging as their main job. Well of course since most people have their own 'real' job and some are still students.
He also said that on average, the rate is 1 blogpost per week. I'd say that's normal.... I can't even maintain 1 post per week anymore!
He gave us some tips to get more viewers. So he recommended to use a custom link, to be active/posting regularly, to sometimes post something out of our usual post (means like, if we usually post about beauty, then we could post about our traveling story or something like that) and to let people know more about us.
He showed us some videos. One is more like a fact all around beauty and internet and one is introducing-advertising Cosmekita itself. I can't really took pictures since the cameraman is blocking the screen! :')
He later also showed a video from C Sanny Lie, who is a PR of Cosmekita. Too bad that she couldn't come that day. I read her blog quite often too.
After that, followed with make-up demo by Olga Agradia. She's a MUA sponsored by Anastasia Beverly Hills! How awesome is that? Anastasia is a famous brand!
She told us how to shape our brow and how to fill it. She first use powder to fill the brow, then a clear brow gel to keep the brow hair direction and a bit of concealer here and there to finish. I learnt those back then from Lasalle College's workshop :D
After that, next is a hair-do and makeup demo by Yamano Salon of Beauty. I suppose it's still only available in Japan...
Hair do is done my Mr. Yazawa Shoichi while makeup is done by Mr. Mitsuo Yamano. The models are C Karina and C Rini. Both of them looked fab already for me but yeah the make over was still done.
Mr Yamano explains that there's Yamano beauty academy there in Japan. (Sorry I forgot the exact name) But yeah I think that it's so cool!
For the makeup, Mr Yamano explained that the camera most likely to catch and give bluish color so he added more orange color.
For the hair do, C Rini's hair actually was curled already. What Mr. Yazawa did was pushes the hair upwards with the fingers. He said that it's currently trending in Japan.
It gives a more volume and it's called somewhat A-shaped hairstyle since indeed it looked like an 'A'!
He also made a flower out of C Rini's hair by braiding them, and the first 10cm from the head is to be stretched over and then rolled to be shaped like flower. (Pardon if the explanation sucks! lol)
And for C Karina's hair, he said that here in Jakarta it's so hot so he thought it would be better to put the hair up so it'd be cooler. He made a bun-like out of her hair.
Next both of them explained on the currently very trending 'gold tattoo' in Japan. It's called Aurum and I swear to you guys it's so fabulous, elegant, classy, you name it! I'm so in love. They later picked 1 blogger from each table to tried the gold tattoo. I wasn't picked but yeah not my luck I guess. : /
Anyway, a sudden 'chaotic' condition in the hall..... lol *intermezzo*
Mr Yamano and Mr Yazawa also introduced the hair treatment Nudy Aura. I want to take pictures of the shampoo on the table but then several people starts to grab them here and there and it's gone.... I only have this picture lol
Next up is Ms. Yulia from Japan Softlens to give some speech and all,
Last is the announcement of the selfie contest winners and the door prizes!
There's total of 3 winners of selfie contest, 1 lucky winner from the media, another 4 lucky winner from the bloggers.
I'm sorry that I forgot to took pictures of the winners......
Finally after that we bloggers each was given 3 products to be reviewed in 10 days. Each blogger got different things to review. This is what I got.
Just so creative and pretty!
I should be receiving a pair of softlens too but C Yulia said it's so rushed that her assistant can't prepare all of the softlens so only some of us that received the soflens. My soflens should be on the way (lol!) at this time. :D
Anyhow, below is ootd that day.... :p
And on that day I only managed to took a picture with C Sasya since I'm just too shy to ask anybody else to have a photo with me and my phone needs like forever to get focused....
Back with another event report!!
On last Sunday I went to Akmani Hotel to attend Cosmekita Launching Party. This is my second time going to a launching event, after B Blog.
At first I'm not even sure I'll get an invitation since as what I read back then, Cosmekita will only invite like. 15 bloggers? But then later in the e-mail, I saw so many recipients!
When I arrived there was already quite some bloggers. Good thing that they're also new to this kind of event.
The place is so dim..... My phone is so not cooperating in dim place -_\
I'm sorry if the photos is not good...
First they told us to re-register ourselves and along with that we were given the goodie bag and the door prize number, then to put our bag inside the hall and enjoy the meal outside.
Inside the hall.....
And the table I'm on.
And this is my selfie but yea I didn't win but that's okay...
Right when I went outside the hall like it's so crowded! Me myself so shocked that there are THAT much of beauty bloggers along with many famous blogger....
I feel so 'newbie' with just 3 followers but yea screw that I'm very thankful to my 3 followers and those who commented on my posts.
The food....
Seriously the desserts were so good :9
Love love love the pudding :p
When I got inside the MC said that it's 'not allowed' to took selfies during the event and I was like,,, I think we all here would break the rule... lol.
So the MC, named Adam got onto the stage and gave a bit of opening speech.
Followed by Ms. Karmila gave a brief introduction of Cosmekita
And Mr. Kenny to explain everything.
He surveyed things before, and he said on average, girls spend around 400k per month and I was like O_O that's high. :p
And only around 3% of the bloggers, if I'm not mistaken, that took blogging as their main job. Well of course since most people have their own 'real' job and some are still students.
He also said that on average, the rate is 1 blogpost per week. I'd say that's normal.... I can't even maintain 1 post per week anymore!
He gave us some tips to get more viewers. So he recommended to use a custom link, to be active/posting regularly, to sometimes post something out of our usual post (means like, if we usually post about beauty, then we could post about our traveling story or something like that) and to let people know more about us.
He showed us some videos. One is more like a fact all around beauty and internet and one is introducing-advertising Cosmekita itself. I can't really took pictures since the cameraman is blocking the screen! :')
He later also showed a video from C Sanny Lie, who is a PR of Cosmekita. Too bad that she couldn't come that day. I read her blog quite often too.
After that, followed with make-up demo by Olga Agradia. She's a MUA sponsored by Anastasia Beverly Hills! How awesome is that? Anastasia is a famous brand!
She told us how to shape our brow and how to fill it. She first use powder to fill the brow, then a clear brow gel to keep the brow hair direction and a bit of concealer here and there to finish. I learnt those back then from Lasalle College's workshop :D
After that, next is a hair-do and makeup demo by Yamano Salon of Beauty. I suppose it's still only available in Japan...
Hair do is done my Mr. Yazawa Shoichi while makeup is done by Mr. Mitsuo Yamano. The models are C Karina and C Rini. Both of them looked fab already for me but yeah the make over was still done.
Mr Yamano explains that there's Yamano beauty academy there in Japan. (Sorry I forgot the exact name) But yeah I think that it's so cool!
For the makeup, Mr Yamano explained that the camera most likely to catch and give bluish color so he added more orange color.
For the hair do, C Rini's hair actually was curled already. What Mr. Yazawa did was pushes the hair upwards with the fingers. He said that it's currently trending in Japan.
It gives a more volume and it's called somewhat A-shaped hairstyle since indeed it looked like an 'A'!
He also made a flower out of C Rini's hair by braiding them, and the first 10cm from the head is to be stretched over and then rolled to be shaped like flower. (Pardon if the explanation sucks! lol)
And for C Karina's hair, he said that here in Jakarta it's so hot so he thought it would be better to put the hair up so it'd be cooler. He made a bun-like out of her hair.
Next both of them explained on the currently very trending 'gold tattoo' in Japan. It's called Aurum and I swear to you guys it's so fabulous, elegant, classy, you name it! I'm so in love. They later picked 1 blogger from each table to tried the gold tattoo. I wasn't picked but yeah not my luck I guess. : /
On C Rini's hand and eyes
I wish it's available here in Indonesia but really I bet the price would sky-rocketed like crazy to mention that those are pure gold! Oh I'm just a student with not so much money :pAnyway, a sudden 'chaotic' condition in the hall..... lol *intermezzo*
Mr Yamano and Mr Yazawa also introduced the hair treatment Nudy Aura. I want to take pictures of the shampoo on the table but then several people starts to grab them here and there and it's gone.... I only have this picture lol
The 2 bottles at the back are the Nudy Aura products.
Next up is Ms. Yulia from Japan Softlens to give some speech and all,
Last is the announcement of the selfie contest winners and the door prizes!
There's total of 3 winners of selfie contest, 1 lucky winner from the media, another 4 lucky winner from the bloggers.
I'm sorry that I forgot to took pictures of the winners......
Finally after that we bloggers each was given 3 products to be reviewed in 10 days. Each blogger got different things to review. This is what I got.
Silkygirl Big Eye Collagen Waterproof Mascara in Blackest Black
Innisfree Eco Flower Tint in Azaleas Tint
Milani Illuminating Face Powder in #3 Beauty's Touch
And this is what's inside the goodie bag!
You see that cute pink box? It's the invitation!

I should be receiving a pair of softlens too but C Yulia said it's so rushed that her assistant can't prepare all of the softlens so only some of us that received the soflens. My soflens should be on the way (lol!) at this time. :D
Anyhow, below is ootd that day.... :p
And on that day I only managed to took a picture with C Sasya since I'm just too shy to ask anybody else to have a photo with me and my phone needs like forever to get focused....
I was so surprised when I saw C Sasya. She's much more prettier in real and her face is so small! She looks very young! :3
I took pictures with C Gita, Raden and many other bloggers but yeah they're not mine so I won't post 'em here :p
I met so many bloggers and chatted quite a lot and it's so fun! I love meeting new people :3
Thanks to Cosmekita for giving me the chance to come!
And for you readers, the review of the 3 products I got is 'on-progress' and should be posted by Tuesday.
See you guys in the next post!
With Love,
I met so many bloggers and chatted quite a lot and it's so fun! I love meeting new people :3
Thanks to Cosmekita for giving me the chance to come!
And for you readers, the review of the 3 products I got is 'on-progress' and should be posted by Tuesday.
See you guys in the next post!
With Love,
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