Merry late Christmas and Happy early New Year! lol. I know it's late for Christmas and too early for New Year. Tell me what your wish for Christmas and New Year on the comment! :D
And as I said before today's review is ganna be a lip product!
Waterproof, smudgeproof, bulletproof (what?!) anything-proof (It's getting too much lol) CLIO's Lipnicure!
Seriously, this lip product killed it. This has that god-level staying power! Well, if god-level is too much then just say it's a lip product with best staying power. As the name, Lipnicure, which they intended to be meant as manicure for lips. The packaging is simple yet looks good. The tube is made of glass, I believe so I kinda freak out if it's rolling on the table (a.k.a gonna fall) or do fall. LOL.
At first I thought the tip's gonna be like 'OK', until then I tried to pull it out and it stucked on the opening. And that cause the upper opening to be messy because I was like, always trying to pull it and it just slipped off with high speed (if-you-know-what-i-mean). The tip is helping for rather detail outline, but i can't get it right with my left side of the lips. I wish the tip is a bit more pointy and smaller....
The directions on the box says that,
step 1, apply one coat of the liquid on the center of the lips using the applicator,
step 2, spread it using finger or smudging tool (it points out cotton bud)
step 3, don't touch don't smudge or whatever for 30 secs.
so here's the thing,
I super agree with the 1 coat, because if you layer it it's gonna shows some horizontal lines of the liquid which will dry like that.
I DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT recommend using your finger to spread it. You can't just wash it off your hand later. You need to use make up remover to you hands after you're finished. So I SUPER HIGHLY recommend to use cotton bud or any tools you prefer.
Don't touch it before it dry or else you need to make-up-remover-ing your finger. DO NOT try to stick your upper and lower lips like usual because it will transfer and leave you with not even surface.
This is how it looks with filling the lips full. The color didn't turn out as what i expected (which is supposed to be more purple-ish)

And this is how it looks with my attempt as gradation lips. I gradient the lip first, then use concealer, then lip balm on top.
However, I tried this on Christmas when I went out with the big family for steaks, I ate bread with butter and fries and a salmon steak, surprisingly 90% of the product wears off. I don't think it's fat-proof. But then the 10% won't come off at any cost so I still use make up remover.
Anyhow, the perfume smell is VERY VERY strong that I'm feeling sick with it. like, what does it feels to have intense perfume on your mouth? Bleh. I really took SOME time for the perfume to be not smell-able...
I read that a lot of people complaining on how hard it is to remove the lipnicure so that clio decides to release the remover too, but I don't experience trouble on removing it as long as I use makeup remover..
So the conclusion,
Packaging. 5 stars. No complain for me. :p like it.
Applicator. 3 stars. I wanted it to be smaller.
Color. 2 stars. Not as expected.
Texture. 4 stars. If not spread properly will make some build up lines.
Staying power. 5 STARS. Best staying power among others even though I think it's not fat proof.
Scent. For god sake it's 1 star. Wayyyyyyy too much and intense.
Moisture. 3 stars. I don't find it drying nor moisturizing.
That's all. I got this from Singapore. Back then they're having sales, 50% off on 2nd purchase. I got 2, 1 for me and another one of crime pink for my birthday friend as present. :D
So what do you think?
I'll fly to HK tomorrow. yeah, on 1st January.... My cousin is getting married there and I'm so stressed that I was told to play the damn freaking piano on the marriage! I just being told like, 2 days ago? It feels the same for me like I'll do a freaking sudden concert. -_-
But of course, I'm gonna have a beauty haul there <3 >w<
Anyway, see you in the next post!