After being invited to attend Japan Beauty Week on Sunday, yet I got an invitation too for B Blog Launching Conference at fX!
That day I actually woke up late and even worse, it's raining. I end up calling a cab and could only do some simple make-up in the cab. (.___.) I was so rushed that I didn't even put any accessory on because I didn't wanna be late.
I re-registered outside the club and they gave me a blogger name tag (I didn't expect that! xD)
Quite surprised, they asked me for my name card and I was like, emmm,, I don't have one..... Afterall I'm still a student no? I never thought of something like name cards...... It's time to make one... LOL
The inside looks really great and kinda dim which I actually loves but then becomes a trouble for taking pictures. My Acro S really not that good to take pictures in a dim place.
Now that's one interesting ceiling....
When I got to The Only One Club in f(x), fortunately, well, guess I could be considered not that late? lol. It was still coffee break time. I think they know we'll be late since it's raining and ftw with the traffic jam.
After the coffee break the MC went up to the stage and started.
Then he called up Akinori Takamura san to gave some speech as CEO of Cyber Buzz, Inc. He introduced Cyber Buzz that it's a social media company from Japan which works together with many popular brands in Japan.
Then Mr. Suryanto Wijaya as CEO of Corfina Group and PT Bina Blog,
Then Tetsuya Osafune san as COO of PT Bina Blog. He explained that in B Blog bloggers are categorized based on their blog theme (, beauty, travel, gadgets, games, etc.) and also there are 2 type of blogger - Premium and usual blogger. Premium blogger is the one whose blog is popular, have thousands page views per day and huge number of followers. Premium bloggers would most likely getting more clients, ads and invited to more events. Next followed by Q&A session from the media
After Q&A it's time to eat! (or so said the MC >w<)
The food's actually quite good and there's milk! And so I happily mixed it with tea and sugar... I'm such a milk tea addict y'know ;p
When we're eating, some premium bloggers were invited up to the stage to share their experience and to give some advice for new bloggers. By this time also the CEOs and some of the staffs visited each table and we photographed together. I wonder will the pictures taken posted somewhere? xD

Not long after we finished our lunch it's door prize time! (Not that I won anything lol)
First was from VIP Plaza. They said they're supposed to launch their website last week but with all this flood they postponed it to February. And the winner is Stella Lee! *clap clap*
Second was from Cow Soap! Congratulations to Bunga :D
The third prize was so mysterious since it's wrapped! Lol.
Fourth was from Klaus & Co. and the winner is Raden. Oh, Klaus & Co. will also launch their web in February.
Fifth was from B Blog and the winner received one night voucher to stay in Keraton Hotel.
Last was the winner of the best review which held by B Blog in last December received a 1 million voucher from B Blog! Congratulations *again!* Raden!
All the VIPs are called up to the stage to take pictures together and so do we, bloggers! :D
That's how it ended and when we took our leave, outside the club freebies were waiting! How great is that? This is what I get. I forgot to include the Kracie bag here.....
And the brochures...
I managed to get pictures thanks to Jean and we took photo together with Raden too!
Above pic you can find it in my instagram @fairytale_wland and below is somemore extra one xD
In this event I can see how bloggers meant a lot for advertising. They all are so enthusiastic and determined to promote their products through us, bloggers. (Well I'm actually feeling kinda downhearted in this since I have the least follower... ; v ; but that's okay) For me this is a very good opportunity to meet new people and to know more brands and people who run them.
I guess this is the end of the post. I'm looking forward for more events from B Blog though. lol. But maybe I can't attend every event since college's starting soon....
Well, see you guys in the next post!
With Love,