It's been a very long time (is it not) since my last post. Yeap. Currently practicing like crazy for a choir competition and I barely have anytime for myself.....
Still! I was planning to post this review as soon as the product arrives. ;)
As I know this is Etude House's latest so-raved-about product. I mean, with all the commercial and testers... Precious Mineral Magic Any Cushion!
Here's the pic!
Looks a lot like the usual Any Cushion don't ya think? Well because it's pink. I was wondering to order either this or the green one but yea nevermind I already bought this anyway. But unlike the usual Any Cushion with SPF 50, this one only SPF34.
When you open........
Oh well, exactly same packaging.
Close up on the sponge
I can tell it's ALMOST. almost. the same with the usual blue one. I just can feel 'something' different. lol. Despite the color of course.
When you open again there's the seal. But it actually doesn't guarantee that the product is new. Last time the IOPE cushion I got was used by dunno-who. Because you can see the mark.
When you open the seal... Voila!
Okay great still looks new. LOL. It smells better than the usual Any Cushion!
Close up on the sponge thing...
Time to try.
Okay so actually the mark won't be as obvious as other cushion products.
Product on the sponge....

It turns out VERY VERY VERY glowy and dewy and sticky and whatsoever. Really. Even more glowy and dewy than their CC Cream. When you first apply it, it's very whitening and I wasn't expecting that o_o But after some time it turns rather translucent and leaving the sheer pinkish tint behind.
I got kinda tanned because of outbond by last weekend......
Above is without, below is with.
Testing on the face..... I must say it makes a huge different of shade between my face and neck. I believe because my face is already kinda pinkish-something when my neck is still kinda yellowish.
Left is bare-face, right is with. SERIOUSLY TERRIBLE LIGHTING.
Oh, and another thing is this DOESN'T last. It easily just blend away and even only with single touch it'll gone. I prefer to use another layer of translucent powder to make it set and stay.
So the conclusion.
Packaging and design. 3.5 stars
Coverage. 0.
Staying power. 2 stars.
Texture. 2 stars. Way too dewy and sticky finish.
Result. 5 stars. I'm talking about how it tone my skin. No complaint on this. lol. Really I'm serious!
So what do you think?
See you in the next post!
With Love,
good review :)your blog is very lovely and interesting. im glad if you visit my blog, too <3
thank you! I had visit your blog and it's so great! <3 the outfits are all so cool :D