Saturday, October 5, 2013

Review - Etude House Eye's Cream in Vanilla Moist

Hello, folks! :D

This time it's an Etude House product again! xD
This one is one of my favorite products from Etude House.
I present you, the Eye's Cream in Vanilla Moist! *clap-clap
This Eye's Cream by Etude House has 2 version. The one is this that I'm reviewing and the one in blue, called Mint Cooling. This Vanilla Moist meant to be used at night, which claims to moisturize and whitening the skin where you use this.
It's a short tube with quite big diameter. Unlike other products of Etude House. This one's not that cute.. :/

Here's the back.
Hangeul Hangeul and Hangeul. I mentioned before that I really don't like the fact that Korean brands write their description all in Hangeul without any English translation..

The tube has a cap with diagonal lines which if you pull that off, you'll see that the product has one more transparent cap to be opened.
This is how it looks like.

So you pull that off again, and start turning the tube like lipsticks and those tubed-glue for paper. You'll get the product, in creamy white. The picture shows how long the product is. Not that long eh? :(

If you look at the product, you'll see that it's very shiny-looking like the picture.
It glides very very very smoothly when you use it on your eyes. It feels like it melts as it touches your skin. lol. It may feels a bit thick, but you can massage you eyes for a while and it's fine.

But I have to say that it smells super wierd. I was expecting it to smell it like vanilla but well it smells wierd. It smells kinda fishy, salty. It isn't a really pleasant smell. But you'll get used to it once you use it daily.

I finished one, and because I haven't buy a new one back then, I just absent from using this. Then along with time I can see dark circles OMG. I never had dark circles before. It isn't that real, not that bad but I can see it if I look closely. Maybe it's due as a new design student with projects. LOL. But I was also lacking of sleep back then when I'm using the first one due to National Exam to determine whether you'll graduate or not. So I bet this works greatly. That's why I get the 2nd one.

I didn't buy this, I got a voucher from Etude House as I won their Healthy Face Movement on the 3rd place. So I use the voucher to get this and some things. :D
(Check out my winning video here: My Morning and Night Skincare Routine. But actually for NOW, it's outdated alreadyyy. Sorry guys)

So the ratings.
Packaging. 4 stars. Compact but not that much product.
Design. 2 stars. Not interesting and not cute.
Texture. 5 stars. It's glides super easily and smooth.
Scent. 2 stars. One word. Weird. But I can handle it. Some of you may not though.
Result. 5 stars. Total full marks for this. I don't want dark circles and this helps.

This is my second one, and maybe I'll buy it again if I'm not bored with this.

So what do you think?

I'm thinking to make a tutorial for SOME(that means it's more than 1) not-so-wow makeup for school as I wear some make-up now for college. Tee-hee~
Are you guys interested? Let me know!
Oh, and if you guys want to request some blog tag post please let me know. :D
See you all in the next post!

With Love,


  1. lovely review, this looks like an effective product to remove dark eye circles! thank you for sharing!♡

    (Join my blog International Giveaway ♡! 21 items- lots of Japanese makeup and beauty products including cosmetics from Diamond Beauty, Candydoll, Dollywink, etc!)

    1. Yes! I hope it'll work on you~ you're welcome and thanks for reading! ^w^

  2. The packaging looks so cute <3 I thought it would smell really nice too but the scent sounds so weird and not bearable for me ; o ; I saw this eye cooling moiture stick on an online store too and wanted to get this so thanks for this review, it was really helpful I might think about buying thia again ^ u ^


    1. Yeah, on my first buy i'm also kinda surprised with the scent. I was expecting some vanilla scent >…<
      The mint one really has the cooling effect, but I don't really see it helps for puffy eyes nor dark circles. Anyhow, mine's mint one kinda a fail product. So it supposed to be smooth, but mine ends up having scrubs in it. -_-
